Since we first started our barware project, we have always aimed to offer nothing but perfection for the professionals who will be meticulously measuring every single drop to achieve greatness.
Everyone can easily understand the conductivity of the Soy products but what makes Barware products even better is you can actually feel it!
There is nothing in the world like touching a cold and chilled Soy Barrel Mule or Soy Julep cup on a warm summer evening.
Copper barware is the perfect union. There is a reason why copper was classically used for such equipment and our collection of copper barware will help lift and upgrade your recipes.
Handcrafted to look at home in any setting, our products are honed to be used at every level.
With a slew of different items in this collection, you will not be left searching for the perfect product to fit that gap in your workflow. This means you can spend more time enhancing and bettering your recipes and and less time compromising with lesser products.
The Şakirt - The Çanakkale Shaker | The SKT
Product Dimensions: 40 CL
The Şâkirt is our Magnum Opus in our barware collection.
Like all Soy shakers, the Şakirt has an outer body made of pure copper and silver, with the notable difference of sporting an elegant brass cap, combined with a spin-fused stainless steel strainer.
The reason for this is the namesake of the Şakirt, the city and province of Çanakkale, divided like the copper and silver of the shaker between Europe and Asia by the mighty and gracious strait of Dardanelles, where the invading armies were just as gracefully *capped* with prime Turkish brass, duing the Great War.
Entirely handmade by spinning and hammering massive 1.5mm pure copper - yet ensuring perfect vacuum - and plated in thick 50μ pure silver on the inside and on both sides of the small module, this shaker has namely three incredibly important advantages over its stainless steel counterparts:
Its solid construction from thick copper and silver ensures that the drink is cooled not only from the ice used to shake it, but also from the metal walls of the shaker, and this in a matter of milliseconds after you start shaking, finishing your cocktail 2-3 times faster than any conventional shaker.
The sheer weight of the product, as it is manufactured from 1.5mm copper, instead of 1mm steel, gives you ultimate control over your shaking, letting the container direct the move and not the liquid inside it.
Most important of all, the fact that the product has walls from silver, makes any kind of dry and reverse-dry Shaking processes obsolete as silver will react with the protein chains and foam-up the cocktail right away, whether it contains ice or not, and this, in a matter of mere seconds.
If you want a custom name engraving (by hand, not exceeding 20 characters), please add the 'Engraving' item to your cart.
Note well, Soy lovers, this shaker is on the road to becoming an international bar icon, get yours before it becomes mainstream!
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
The Şâkir - The Istanbul Shaker | The SKR
Product Dimensions: 33 CL | 55 CL
The Şakir is the result of extensive research carried out b our in-house team of passionate professionals.
We call it the "Istanbul" shaker because as is the case with the city of Istanbul, which spans across two different continents, the Şakir is constructed from two different metals, Silver and Copper, giving it a two-tone appearance and a two colour hue that will take a patina differently as time goes on.
Note: The volumes shown here are only the useful capacities. The real volumes account for 40% more than what is indicated. Experts do not recommend to go beyond the useful capacities of the shakers.
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
The Şâkire - The Izmit Shaker | The SKA
Product Dimensions: 20 CL | 33 CL | 55 CL
The Şâkire performs very similarly to her elder brother, the “Şakir” yet with a very visible twist in ergonomy and aesthetic.
We call it the Izmit shaker after our neighbouring city of Izmit, which though only a hour or so away, has a completely different culture and vibe.
Due to the increased air capacity and larger silver contact area of the Şakire, it will perform a slightly better job with cocktails that contain heavy creams, egg whites, aquafaba etc.
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Subar - The Fluted Tumbler | The SBR
Product Dimensions: 20 CL
The Subar tumbler is the definition of function and elegance. It will be the center of attraction on any table. It is easily stackable.
Sheet Thickness: 1.0 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Mest - Mini EST Shot Glasses | The MEST
Product Dimensions: 4 CL
The all-hammered Soy MEST shot glass is actually a proportionally correct tiny copy of the massive Soy EST Stock Pot.
Our copper shot glasses are all painstakingly hand-spun from pure heavy gauge 1 mm copper, and exceed in quality every other product in its class.
After this, the whole body is finely hammered, giving our product it's unique look and hardness.
A few important advantages of having a copper shot glass over actual glass:
Copper shot glasses are thermally superconductive, so you can cool them down to sub-zero temperatures just by letting them sit a mere minute in your freezer.
Copper is malleable and, in cae of a fall, will not break like glass.
Our MEST shot glasses come with a gorgeous inner silver lining (that handles prolongated contact with non-alcoholic shots better) that will last a lifetime.
Now are we the only ones to think that "Mest" stands for "Mini-EST" or has it got a different meaning in Turkish and Persian?
Sheet Thickness: 1.0 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
MestKal - Mezcal Glasses | The MSKG
Product Dimensions: 60 ML
The MestKal is your perfect companion and can be used to prepare a plethora of recipes.
Sheet Thickness: 1.0 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Jülide - The Julep Cup | The JL
Product Dimensions: 330 ML
Directly from the hands of Soy, an ode to the famous North American cocktail mint Julep and its derivatives
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Mazlum - The Barrel Mule | The ML
Product Dimensions: 330 ML | 550 ML
Whilst we were designing this beauty we did not only think about visuality but also the health concerns.
Since the acidity of some cocktails is remarkably high, there is a tiny risk of acute poisoning due to the reaction of acids and copper oxide; hence the thick, pure silver-lining, guaranteeing zero chances of poisoning.
Please consult the very well curated page for more info on that matter.
The name itself in Turkish is an inside joke at our manufacturing process, as it has been both “choked” and “beaten” (ie: hammer hardened) we called him “Mazlum” literally meaning “the mistreated” in Turkish.
But that “mistreatment” is not without reasons. As a result of the fine hand hammering the Mazlum receives, it work-hardens to 370% of the original hardness and will never ever dent or bend during home or commercial use.
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Hakan - The Ice Tub |
Product Dimensions: 30 CM | 35 CM | 40 CM
Useful Capacities - (Not Max.):
HK30: 4 Liters
HK35: 6 Liters
HK40: 15 Liters
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Keyfiyet - The Ehlikeyif | The EK11
Product Dimensions: 330 CM
The Soy Ehlikeyif is the only one in the world that is totally monohull in construction, from one solid piece of thick 1.5mm copper.
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.
Karman the Mixing Tin | The KRM
Product Dimensions: 135 MM
For many, a mixing tin is a better alternative to a mixing glass, since made entirely by hand, from solid copper and silver, it is built to withstand the harshest of environemnts and looks the part!
However, the definitive advantage of the Karman copper/silver mixing tin is that it reaches the ideal -2°C almost two minutes faster than its glass/crystal counterpart.
These numbers are the results of controlled-environment testings by the prestigious Mixology Blog LeLabbo, in 2020.
Sheet Thickness: 1.5 mm.*
Plating Material and Method: Tin or silver lining.
* The actual thickness of the product will often come slightly higher due to our expertise in the process.